For my personality test, I got an ENFP. An ENFP is a type of person based on the Myers-Briggs Personality Test. ENFP stands for Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving. The test asks you questions about where your energy comes from and how you think to out you into a category based on your personality.
ENFP’s are both introverts and extroverts, but are identified as introverts. They have strong values and are enthusiastic, sympathetic, and affectionate. ENFP’s are friendly, but they have short attention spans so relationships can be tested because of this.
Career choices that best fit ENFP’s are things that deal with the arts or people because of their enthusiasm. Famous or popular ENFP’s include Robin Williams, Dr. Suess, Bill Clinton, Walt Disney, and Anne Frank.
Graphic design is often overlooked. It is used in everyday products, like movie posters and the tub of ice cream that you 'accidentally' at all by yourself last night. You see examples of graphic design walking down the street everyday. Your favorite restaurant's logo had a graphic designer behind it.
Drew Struzan was the designer behind iconic movie posters like Star Wars and Harry Potter. His style is well recognized around the world.
Graphic design is a huge influence on our world. New structures and movie posters help us appreciate and understand graphic design more.
You use graphic design everyday without knowing it. Graphic design can be featured on movie posters, restaurant signs, and even road signs. Since graphic design is everywhere, why don't we treasure it?
Movie posters can say a lot about a movie even without a review. If I see a sloppy and poorly done movie poster, I may not see the movie just because the poster makes the movie look poorly done. Drew Struzan, the designer of the 1978 Star Wars movie poster, made the movie look so much better because of his creative design of the poster.
Graphic design is very influential in our world. New structures and posters help us to appreciate graphic design.
"They loved your GPA, then they saw your Tweets" by Natasha Singer
This article is about the effects your posts on social media have on your future. Colleges and employers look at your profiles, and surprisingly your posts have a big impact on colleges or jobs that will accept you.
The fact that colleges can deny you for your social media posts shocked me a lot. I never would have thought that my Tweets and Instagrams could keep me from getting into certain colleges. Also, I didn't know that future colleges and employers will not notify you if they are looking at your posts. Personally, I think that would be very creepy and I would prefer that they tell me when the they will "stalk" my profiles.
Something that confused me is that only certain colleges take a look at your profiles. Why aren't all colleges looking at them? I believe that all colleges should peek at our profiles just to make it equal so some students won't get out of their profiles being ignored.
I now think that we should start to consider the impact that each post we make could determine our future. We should also think before we post, because once you post something, it can never be deleted off the internet. Also, we should start clearing off posts that we don't want college officials or future employers to see. Being careful on the internet will greatly help us in the near future.
This project was a chase sequence where one character is running away from someone or something. In this particular project, I was procrastinating and running away from my homework.
In Pre-Production, my partner and I used a storyboard to plan what the shots would look like and where the shots would be taken. We came up with the idea that our homework was "following" us as we tried to escape from it. During the production process, we looked at the storyboard to get the same of very similar shots as we had planned. The production process took 3 days because of the amount of time we had in the class. While editing, we tried to make our storyboard come to life with quick and fast edits.
I learned that technology doesn't always want to go your way and that you should have multiple shots to be able to sequence. I also realized that you have to stay calm when working with technology because it will often crash. When working with others, I learned that you have to be accepting of everyone's ideas because their ideas will greatly contribute to the project. You also have to think outside the box and be creative so your project can stand out.
Something I would do differently is get more close up shots and to face the camera more. Also, I would get to know the technology more and research how to do things. I had never used a GoPro for a project like this and it was confusing to know how to use. I liked that we storyboarded every shot so that we wouldn't forget any shots along the way. If we missed shots, it would be confusing to the person watching.
To enhance my next project, I would definitely be more creative with the pre-production process and think of ideas that no one would think about for a video. I also learned that you should be open to new ideas.
This project was very fun and exciting to film (and tired because of all the running!). I would like to do another project like this in the future and it was one of my favorites to edit.