Sunday, September 11, 2016

Photoshop Tutorials Reflection

Photo collage- Tutorial 6
Covering blemishes on the wall- Tutorial 1
   In these Photoshop Tutorial videos, I relearned how to use certain tools and I was exposed to new tools and features that are extremely helpful. I learned how to make a collage of pictures and make them blend together, I was introduced to layer masks and how to use them, some  basic retouching like taking out blemishes, and more useful skills.

   The three most important tools I used, in my opinion, were the layer mask feature, the clone stamp tool, and the quick selection tool. The layer mask tool was used in multiple projects, like the photo collage and the challenge project especially. It is an essential tool because you can make a broad selection and use the mask tool to take out portions of the selection or bring them back. It's also non-destructive, so you can make as many mistakes and not affect the other layers. The clone tool is one of my favorite tools because it is really easy to use. This tool is important for removing blemishes, covering up unwanted items, and blending. The quick selection tool helps make selections to move or helps determine the area for the layer mask.

Removing the logo on the surfboard-Tutorial 1
   My favorite skill that I learned from these tutorials was the layer mask tool. It helped with the sleeves in the collage of the girl. It was super simple to remove or add portions of the photo. The tool will help in the future when I need to take small portions of a photo out or add it back in when I make mistakes.

Removing objects in the photo- Tutorial 1 

Adding a logo to a bottle- Branding Tutorial 1
    During this project, I feel like I knew how to use the basic tools in the tool bar really well. I also remembered a lot of the shortcut keys and they were helpful when I was watching the tutorials. However, I was really confused on using layer masks and how to get them started. Also, I started working on the wrong layers because there were so many that I had to keep organized in some of the projects. 

Removing blemishes- Tutorial 5
Adding a graphic to a billboard- Branding Tutorial 2
   For these tutorials, I would have taken more notes so I can remember what each of the tools and shortcuts do for future projects. I really like how I used the layer masks because the projects look cleaner and sharper when I used it. Overall, these tutorials helped me remember the uses for Photoshop and how each of the tools is used. The projects were difficult but the products turned out nicely. 

Removing a logo- Tutorial 2
Moving a logo- Tutorial 1
Removing an object from a photo- Tutorial 4

Removing a tag- Tutorial 3

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

No Visitors- ONW Procedure Video

    For this project, my partner, Franchesca, and I made a video to explain one of ONW's procedure. The video had to be no more than 30 seconds long, had to use the six-shot system, and have a beginning, middle and end. Franchesca and I had to storyboard our project- and the idea was to show that no visitors are allowed in the building unless it is a parent. I filmed the video and Franchesca and Mrs. Evers starred in it. This was the first project we created in Premier Pro, so the project took a while to edit due to learning how the software works and coming into some obstacles.

    Before this project, the class learned how to work the bigger cameras, so I learned a lot about the cameras we use and the importance and effectiveness of all of its features. I also learned to listen to others' ideas and consider them for the project. Deadlines are also important, so I learned how to manage my time better. I wish I would have remembered to get more closeups for the video and would have gotten a couple more shots to make the video a bit longer. I also forgot to put headphones in the camera, so the volume was really low. Therefore, I had to increase the volume while I was editing, so there is lots of white noise in the background that I can't really fix. I really liked how I used the Rule of Thirds, so I'd like to continue that in my future videos. I will fix these problems so I can use the skills successfully in the future.

   Overall, I feel that I did a decent job on this project. It was a bit hard to come back after summer break and jump right into a project. My next project will be much better.